Our Member Groups
Ottawa ACORN
Ottawa and Gatineau ACORN office - Represents and champions the interests of low-income and working class Ottawa residents on critical issues of social and economic justice. 613-746-5999 ottawa@acorncanada.org acorncanada.org
A safe and caring adult learning program offering: Adult and Deaf Adult upgrading in English and ASL; One-on-one and small group teaching; High school credit work; Remote and in-person learning options; Digital literacy and computer classes; Family literacy support for parents with young children. 613-233-8660 www.also-ottawa.org
CICAN - Coopérative Integration Canada
Facilitates the economic, family and social integration of Francophone and Francophile immigrants into Canadian society and consolidates community health. 613-805-3437 info@cican.ca cican.ca
Sewing a Better Story. A nonprofit social enterprise whose dual purpose of textile waste reduction and women’s empowerment intersect through the art of sewing. Sewing For Jobs is our flagship charitable program, where students can learn sewing and business skills. We also run Public Classes, and an Eco Fabric Boutique, where we resell donated fabric and notions. 613-562-1739 ecoequitable.ca
English Language Tutoring for the Ottawa Community - Provides individualized and accessible English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring to newcomers to Ottawa and Eastern Ontario who cannot attend regular ESL classes, by matching them to ELTOC-trained volunteers in the community. 613-232-8566 or 613-796-8566 admin@eltoc.ca eltoc.ca
Ethiopiaid Canada
A charitable international development organization committed to supporting and empowering Ethiopians. We seek lasting change by supporting our local partners. Our work is to help improve the lives of people living in poverty by increasing opportunities and access to resources. 613-238-4481 www.ethiopiaid.ca
Families Matter Cooperative
Offers workshops, seminars and networking events that empower families and foster networks of support to build the capacity of individuals with developmental disabilities so they can live full and inclusive lives. admin@familiesmattercoop.ca familiesmattercoop.ca
Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre
Offers support, resources and information for individuals affected by eating disorders, and also to their families and friends. Provides community outreach and education to promote media literacy and positive self-worth. 613-241-3428 hopewell.ca
Jamaican Ottawa Community Association - JOCA
Provides services and activities for all ages and abilities with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for the Jamaican and wider Afro-Caribbean community. 613-523-9085 jocainc.com
Multifaith Housing Initiative - MHI
A grassroots, federally registered charity in Ottawa dedicated to providing and promoting safe, affordable, and well-maintained housing in inclusive communities to individuals and families who are at risk of homelessness or being precariously housed. Join us in our goal of affordable housing for all. 613-686-1825 www.multifaithhousing.ca
Options Housing
Provides safe, permanent housing and wraparound supports for people who may otherwise experience chronic homelessness 613-241-6363 ext. 223 optionshousing.ca
Ottawa Shambhala Meditation Centre
Fosters a societal culture of peace, inclusion, and enlightened activity in the world. 613-725-9323 ottawa.shambhala.org
Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild - OVWSG
Supports weavers, spinners, felters and basketmakers by offering a wide range of workshops, a fully equipped studio and classroom, an extensive library, equipment rental and networking opportunities. www.ovwsg.com
People, Words & Change - PWC
Provides one-on-one tutoring for adults in basic writing, reading, and math skills and small-class instruction in basic computer skills for job seekers. 613-234-2494
ROVLN - Rideau-Ottawa Valley Learning Network
Supports, promotes and strengthens adult literacy services to build engaged and empowered communities. 613-265-7979 rovln.ca
Serenity Renewal for Families
Provides hope and support in a safe environment through short-term counselling, educational workshops and programs for individuals and families affected directly or indirectly by addictions. www.serenityrenewal.ca
Twice Upon a Time
Gives new and gently used children's books to Ottawa kids! Through donations and book drives, we collect books of all types in English and French suitable for children up to 12 years of age. twiceuponatime.ca
Veterans' House Canada
Helps homeless Veterans build a better future by providing permanent, affordable and supportive housing in a unique veterans-only setting. 613-686-1825 communications@veteranshousecanada.ca www.veteranshousecanada.ca
Victoria’s Quilts Canada
Provides handmade quilts to people living with cancer in Canada. 613-843-9212 www.victoriasquiltscanada.com
World Accord
Is actively involved in international development projects and programs implemented by local partners located in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nepal and Ethiopia. These community-based organizations are actively involved in activities that contribute to improve the social and economic well-being of their participants. 519-747-2215 worldaccord.org